Specializing In...

Specializing In...

Affair / infidelity recovery

Discovering an emotional or sexual affair is devastating in a relationship and can feel unrepairable. The pain and anguish partners can feel is like a tornado that has shattered every facet of their life together. Often a partner asks themselves how they can ever trust again or how this could happen in their relationship. The decision and journey to repair is a difficult one but there is hope. There is a way to recover, heal, and rebuild when both partners commit to making it work. In the research couples who pursue counselling have a higher success rate in recovering from an affair.

Happy couple - happy kids

New parents? Consider pre-parent counselling. Beginning a family is a significant transition in a couple's relationship - it can be exciting and overwhelming at the same time. A couple's relationship can become very strained as there is often a shift in roles, extra household tasks, challenges with sleep, post-partum, increased stress and anxiety, and new financial responsibilities. From the research we know that 67% of couples experience a drop in relationship satisfaction within the first three years of the baby's life. Some of the reasons include poor communication leading to conflict, differences in expectations, feeling less time for each other, and changes in individual identities, roles, and values. As a couple you can be more prepared for such challenges. Couples can greatly benefit from having the resources and skills to have a stronger relationship before transitioning into this new role. We also know from the research that children flourish when couples have a happier and less stressful relationship - they have a healthier emotional and social environment to grow. Learn how to navigate through this time more effectively together, and build a more healthy, supportive relationship so that you and your baby can thrive. Check out this article Bringing Baby Home: A psycho-educational intervention to increase relationship satisfaction during the transition to parenthood.

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For an appointment contact me directly

Ph: 780.619.0626

Accepting new clients

Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday
(mornings / afternoons)

Sessions offered via:

Suite #203 Inglewood Plaza
24 Inglewood Drive
St. Albert, Alberta T8N 6K4