Dr. Michelle Vandegriend

Helping Individuals, Couples & Families Live Happier, Healthier Lives...

Helping Individuals, Couples & Families Live Happier, Healthier Lives...

Counselling can help

Growth occurs when individuals confront problems,
struggle to master them, and through that struggle develop
new aspects of their skills, capacities, views about life.
– Carl Rogers

Accepting new clients

New clients contact me directly:


Session Hours:
Monday 9am - 1pm
Tuesday 1pm - 4pm
Wednesday 9am - 1pm
Thursday 9am - 1pm

Monday - Friday 9am - 6pm

Return clients only:

  Online Booking

Suite #203 Inglewood Plaza
24 Inglewood Drive
St. Albert, Alberta T8N 6K4

st.albertcounselling Instagram profile   Dr. Michelle Vandegriend Facebook profile

Serving St. Albert for over 15 years.